International Cultural Sciences


Education and Teaching Staff

IHARA Keiichiro Arts and Cultural Design
UCHIYAMA Hiroshi Japanese Language Studies, Japanese Medieval Literature
OTA Yukio History of Human Interaction in the Sea of East Asian, Chinese Early Modern History
KANAI Shizuka Japanese Early Modern History
SHIBATA Kenji Philosophy, Ethics

TEFL,Translation studies

TAKATSU Takashi Song Dynasty Literature, Literary Criticism, Biography, Natural History
TAKEOKA Kenichi German Literature, Publication Research
TONAI Tetsuya Western History, Italian Early Modern History
TORAO Tatsuya Japanese Ancient History
NAKAJIMA Daisuke Film and Media Studies
NIWA Kenji Japanese Early Modern Literature
NAKASUJI Kenkichi Chinese Literature
HOSOKAWA Michihisa

Canadian History,British Imperial and Commonwealth history

YANAGAWA Hidetoshi Celtic Studies, Western History, Foreign Literature, Local Culture Research, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnomusicology
YAMATO Takayuki English Literature

Austrian literature,German literature,German

KONDO Kazunori

Philosophy, Epistemology,History of philosophy

SUEMATSU Nobuko English Linguistics
FUKUNAGA Yoshitaka Asian History, Chinese Ancient History
MIKI Natsuka Chinese Language Studies